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Tag Archive for 'fun'
A crosswalk signal in Spokane is giving pedestrians the finger instead of the don’t walk hand (via How We Drive)
A few weeks ago, Google released a neat tool that allows you to see how frequently words appear in literature published since 1800.
After a significant decline in popularity in the first half of the 20th century, “walking” is appearing more often in literature now than ever before. Seattle is also on the rise. Click here for Google’s Ngram Viewer.
Some crosswalk buttons in LA have been labeled Total Crisis Panic Buttons. According to the artist:
The Total Crisis Panic Button initiative replaced Los Angeles crosswalk instruction signs with more relevant and useful instructional graphics. (Nobody walks in Los Angeles, and who doesn’t know how to use a crosswalk anyway?)
I can’t think of anywhere in Seattle that has signs for a crosswalk push button (not even a sign with a slightly less authoritarian bent), but maybe I just overlook them. This is an open thread.