Here’s a rundown of current and recently completed SDOT projects that promote pedestrian mobility:
- The stairway on Southwest Spokane Street between SW 60th and SW 61st
streetsAvenues is being restored and will be closed through the middle of the summer. - Filling in a missing section of sidewalk on SW Barton Place at 22nd Avenue SW.
- Installing pedestrian safety features at the intersection of Aurora Avenue North and North 130th Street. The work includes curb ramps, a crosswalk, and pedestrian countdown signals
- Restoring a sidewalk on First Avenue South at South Dawson Street
- Improving the intersection of Aurora Avenue North and North 130th Street:
The existing pedestrian overpass at this location was built in the 1960’s and does not meet the current American with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards for accessibility. Over the past decade, the area immediately west of Aurora and centered at Bitter Lake has seen a boom in senior housing developments. Over 1,500 new senior housing units have been built in that time. Because of the number of senior citizens in the area, it is especially important to improve the accessibility of this busy intersection.
The crews will install new curb ramps at all four corners, and will add a marked crosswalk on the north leg of the intersection. They will also add pedestrian countdown signals.