The Seattle Department of Transportation’s 2011 to do list includes many pedestrian projects.
One project starting in March is the West Thomas pedestrian / cycling bridge, which links Lower Queen Anne with the waterfront.
The Mountains to Sound trail will provide greater pedestrian and bicycle accessibility around and across I-5 and I-90 near Beacon Hill.
The exciting Linden Ave N complete streets project will give a full makeover to 17 blocks’ worth of curbs, curb ramps, sidewalks, bike lanes, and trees.
Seattle is putting significant resources into improvements for pedestrians even in this lean budget year.
I’ve been waiting for the Thomas Street Bridge for most of the last decade. I hope they really are starting it this year.
The Ship Canal Trail extension to Magnolia is supposed to be done this year:
The Bell Street green street project is supposed to be finished next winter:
McGraw “Square” should be opened back up soon, minus automobiles: