Feet First has created several Neighborhoods on Foot maps for exploring different areas on foot. I picked up one of these maps a few weeks ago and found that it also includes a list of relevant SDOT phone numbers:
- General information: 684-ROAD
- Sidewalk issues: 684-5102
- Drainage problems: 684-7506
- Design/code compliance: 615-0808
- Curb ramp requests / crosswalk repainting: 684-5377
- Bicycle & Pedestrian Program: 684-7583
- Bus stop maintenance: 553-3060
- Speed watch program: 684-0813
- Graffiti removal: 684-7587
- Private property overgrowth: 615-0808
- Vehicle blocking walking path: 625-5011
Put these numbers in your phone so that you’ll know who to call next time you have a question or find a problem while walking.
Also useful to have bookmarked is: http://www.seattle.gov/transportation/potholereport.htm
I’ve use the form to report traffic light sensors that don’t detect bicycles and SDOT fixed the problems within a couple days.
Amazing, your article is really amazing. I need to say that from now your blog will become one of my faves. Maintain it likely good friend !