Archive for the 'improvements' Category

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Sheraton streetscape makeover

The Puget Sound Business Journal reports on a revamp of one of the most bland and uninspired streetscapes in the city:

The Sheraton Seattle will spend $2 million to build a landscaped pedestrian walkway at its downtown hotel location.

Sheraton officials said the “Garden Walk” will be built along Seventh Avenue and will include vine-covered walls, large mirrors, water features and sculptures. Construction will begin Aug. 14 and is expected to be completed by spring 2011.

The building currently affronts the street with a block-long white wall, so this revitalized streetscape sounds like a big improvement. SeattleScape has some cynicism, however, about the sustainability of this garden walk.

Again, actual street-level tenant space, with doors and windows, could last the lifetime of the building with a changing array of establishments naturally responding to their street-level location with appropriate displays and accessibility. Yet the placement of mirrors seems so impermanent. Does the Sheraton Hotel management really intend to maintain and likely replace those mirrors essentially ad perptuum?

Even if the answer is no, doing something to upgrade the streetscape is better than nothing.


More Ballard ped improvements

Ballard is getting another improvement to its pedestrian experience.

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SDOT’s crews will install a curb between NW 56th and 57th on both sides of the street and the one-half block just south of 56th Street on the eastside of the street. The curb will provide a better walking environment by creating a buffer between the sidewalk and the street, and will provide a protected area for landscaping by preventing cars from parking on the planting strip area. This fall, trees will be planted on both sides of the street.


Smoother sidewalks on Rizal Bridge

The Jose B Rizal bridge, which links Beacon Hill to the International District, has been made over to help extend the life of the bridge. The SDOT Blog profiles this project:

The extensive rehabilitation project included repairing concrete spallings on the bridge deck; installing a new sidewalk concrete overlay; repairing and sealing cracks in the concrete; and repairing or replacing deteriorating expansion joints and a concrete girder. This critical work will extend the life of the bridge for many decades to come.

Photos on the SDOT blog show the smooth new sidewalk.


New sidewalk in Lake City

Another sidewalk project has recently been completed:

SDOT has just completed building a beautiful block-long sidewalk on NE 127th Street between 28th Avenue NE and 27th Avenue NE. If you’re in the neighborhood, the spanking new walkway will take you right to the weekly Thursday Lake City Farmers’ Market.

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Crosswalk flags along Jackson St

Central District News reports that pedestrian flags are now available at crosswalks along Jackson St.

The Jackson Street Business Corridor (JSBC) has placed pedestrian safety flags at several crosswalks along South Jackson Street in the Central Area neighborhood. It is intended for these bright colored orange flags to increase pedestrian visibility, day or night. The JSBC, a group of Jackson Street business owners, encourages a pedestrian friendly business district.

These flags seem to be becoming more common. There are some streets that are more auto-oriented where crosswalks and pedestrians can be more easily missed. Hopefully these flags will help pedestrians to feel safer along this road.


Reconnecting South Lake Union street grid

The plan for replacing the Alaskan Way viaduct includes reconnecting the street grid in South Lake Union across Aurora near the current north Battery St tunnel entrance. However, building these roads over the highway wouldn’t be complete until 2015 or 2016.

Publicola reports that Councilmember Tim Burgess recently pushed the state to consider reconnecting the grid earlier. Mercer St is being converted back into a two-way street in the next couple years and Burgess is concerned that the two-way Mercer project won’t be successful without congestion relief provided by connecting John, Thomas, or Harrison Street across Aurora.

Currently, the only way across Aurora in this area is by Denny Way, or the Mercer or Broad St underpasses, all of which are rather unpleasant pedestrian experiences. As a frequent walker in that area, I would welcome another way to cross Aurora, however it is not yet clear how seriously the state will consider Burgess’ suggestion.


More and better sidewalk cafes

Recently, the Times reported that new sidewalk cafes are popping up all over. The sudden popularity of dining al fresco is partially due to the city making a restaurant-friendly cut in the cost for permitting. Now businesses can license their outdoor seating areas for as little as 1/5 the cost as before and even less time.

In October 2008, the city, under then-Mayor Greg Nickels, made it cheaper and faster for restaurants to get permits to seat customers in front of their establishments. Nickels said he was inspired by downtown revitalization in Melbourne, Australia, and Copenhagen, Denmark.

The new rules cut permit costs from $2,100 — and sometimes as high as $3,700 — to $707 for a 100-square-foot sidewalk cafe, roughly space for four tables with two to four chairs at each table. The permit process now takes about 10 days. Several restaurant owners complained the process used to drag on for months.

Since this process was streamlined, almost 100 businesses have begun pursuing outdoor dining. And, to help make sidewalk cafes even more popular, Great City has a great idea:

Currently, the rule is that any outdoor seating where alcohol is served (the only kind that’s worth the trouble for the average restaurateur) must be directly adjacent to the establishment in question. Trouble is, this is usually also the part of the sidewalk most in demand as a place to, you know, walk.

Great City landscape architecture and transportation geeks, along with our allies at Cascade Bicycle Club and Feet First, have suggested the proper place for sidewalk café seating is in fact in a place they call the “amenity zone,” that section of sidewalk reserved for street trees and the display boxes of Seattle’s only newspaper.

Check out the suggestion at Great City to see how this could work. The state would have to change the law to allow this, but it could be worth it.

The Times article mentions that former Mayor Nickels recognized the potential of sidewalk cafes on a visit to Melbourne. That city has great examples of what sidewalk dining can do toward making a lively city. Some streets were set up as Great City suggests, with the sidewalk between the restaurant and the dining area and with large awnings, and as you walked by, it almost felt as if you were passing through each restaurant. It was a great pedestrian experience if you were looking for somewhere to eat. If you were trying to get somewhere quickly, the servers passing back and forth across the sidewalk and diners socializing after their meals could slow you down a bit. Even here, sidewalk cafes are not without their drawbacks. From the Times:

Some objections have come from advocates for the disabled. Bill Wippel, executive director of Tape Ministries Northwest, which records material for the blind, said outdoor tables and chairs can be “obstacles” for those using wheelchairs.

It is important that our sidewalk cafes do not interfere with our two-wheeled, two-legged, or four-legged pedestrians. There are many areas in which sidewalks barely seem wide enough for people, and adding tables, chairs, and umbrellas, could increase pedestrian congestion. But, if done correctly, and with the suggestion of Great City to provide adequate room for passage, sidewalk cafes can make for a more pleasant experience on the sidewalks of Seattle for anyone walking, rolling, drinking, or eating.


New sidewalks at Junction Plaza Park

If you’re strolling in West Seattle, you might notice the new Junction Plaza Park, but also be sure to note the new sidewalks (SDOT).

If you stop on the way to the West Seattle Junction to enjoy the handsome new Junction Plaza Park at 42nd and SW Alaska Street, you might notice that there are also new sidewalks along the street surrounding the park. The sidewalks are the handiwork of SDOT’s South Concrete Paving Crews, happy to have a part in the creation of the community’s newest attraction, dedicated on Tuesday, June 29. The park provides an enjoyable pass-through retreat on the way to shopping or parking, as well as providing a location for small performances or festivals.


McGraw Streetcar Plaza design

SDOT is in the process of developing the McGraw Square area and a portion of Westlake Avenue into a Westlake Transportation Hub at the downtown terminus of the Seattle Streetcar.

McGraw Square Park is currently the site of a historic bronze statue along with a couple park benches, one of which is often occupied overnight for sleeping.

Plans include another streetcar platform to allow boarding on both sides as well as bike parking, natural landscaping, artistic lighting, and a retail kiosk.

Westlake Transportation Hub design

Westlake Transportation Hub design showing uses of McGraw Streetcar Plaza

This was presented at the last meeting of the Seattle Design Commission, however there were some concerns that the design needs to be refined further to be flexible for future uses.

You can download a draft version of the presentation from the Design Commission website. Construction is expected to start this year.


In support of mobile food vending

Great City has written a letter to the city council in support of mobile food vending:

Great City firmly believes that active, pedestrian-friendly streets are essential to a safe and vital city. To that end, we are excited about the opportunities mobile food vending can bring to Seattle.

A few food vendors scattered in areas that often don’t reach their potential like Westlake Park in the heart of downtown or Occidental Park in Pioneer Square could have a transformative effect on the whole city. Portland’s foot carts have been popular, especially around lunch time in Pioneer Courthouse Square. There may be some health reasons to argue for continuing the strict rules against food stands like these, but they could undoubtedly help the pedestrian experience.
