Tag Archive for 'Safe Routes to School'

Sidewalk improvements for Safe Routes to School

SDOT is adding sidewalks or otherwise encouraging kids to walk to school at 5 elementary schools this summer. The schools include:

  • B. F. Day Elementary in Fremont
  • Roxhill Elementary near White Center
  • Olympic Hills Elementary in Olympic Hills in North Seattle
  • Dearborn Park Elementary in Rainier Valley
  • Thurgood Marshall Elementary in Judkins Park near I-90

The Safe Routes to School program is funded by the Bridging the Gap transportation initiative. The program works closely with school staff, students and parents to identify barriers and solutions to make walking and biking safer and more accessible.

Over the past three years, the Safe Routes to School Program has made improvements at 14 schools across the city. … Over the life of the nine-year levy, SDOT anticipates making improvements at 30 schools across the city as part of the program.


Feet First

Feet First is a walkability advocacy organization based in Pioneer Square and is part of the America Walks Coalition.

One of the biggest things that Feet First does is promote safe walking routes to school by partnering with parents and local schools. The organization also publishes walking maps of neighborhoods throughout Seattle, which include parks, bus routes, and other information you’d want to know when walking in the Central District, North Beacon Hill, and other neighborhoods.

The organization hosts periodic walks with city council members in various parts of the city. Additionally, you can sign up to become a walking ambassador to lead walks in your neighborhood that encourage others to walk more.

You can find out more by becoming a member of the organization (membership fees start at $30) or visiting their website at feetfirst.info.


Walk to school for health

The White House Task Force on Childhood Obesity has set a goal for increasing the number of children who walk or bike to school by 50% by 2015. It also recommends Safe Routes to School programs nationwide. Fortunately, SDOT has an active Safe Routes School Program.

Do your part and walk or bike to school more often. It’s fun, a good workout, and a great way for parents and children to spend time together. To find out more about what our Safe Routes to School program has been up to click here.
