Walking in Seattle slowdown

We’ve had quite a slow period here recently at Walking in Seattle and I’m just writing to formalize that a little bit.

When I started the blog at the beginning of 2010, it filled a niche as a local source of information for pedestrians. We started by focusing on local walking routes, started linking to local pedestrian news, and then slowed down on that as we did more original reporting and editorializing.

360 posts later, I just have a lot less to say, and it seems that the voice of this blog is fairly well represented by other sources out there. Seattle Bike Blog, Seattle Transit Blog, Feet First’s blog, and SDOT Blog are my go-to places for information, opinions, events, and analysis.

We’ll see if I regain the passion I had for blogging, but for now I’ll say thanks to those who have read or commented, and enjoy the final days of summer walking in Seattle.


1 Response to “Walking in Seattle slowdown”

  • Hey Troy, best wishes for whatever directions you choose to go in the future. We’re sorry to lose an advocate! But let’s stay in touch and maybe do some walks together in the future. Our Seattle Stairway Walks book comes out in January.

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